
there’s a nice website to do art on, the link is here.

some art i made on that website: 

the name of the art is “revenge of colors”

not my usual style, but less effort with a bit of help, and i will sometime upload my “spine art”.

other art on the same website is:

“explosion of green”


My blog is kinda inactive, because i am unable to currently post many pieces of art, it’s kind of dying. it is very hard for me to do art, so I will maybe post some art every few weeks/months. I have some art coming, and someday soon I will post it, i will also overhaul the entire blog somewhat. I only wrote about 4 posts in the past month. i only got one comment, but thanks for the comment. I will try to put more effort into the blog but I need time to create my art so I might not be able to.

digital footprint

I believe that it is great to use the computers, but it is better not to have a digital footprint. This is seriously annoying when other people can research you. It is better to have a positive digital footprint than a negative one. I believe it is better to have nothing rather than many pieces of information.